Lawrence Livingstone is the register Officer in Effective Control of this Agency in his capacity as Sole Proprietor and owner of the business.
Atlas Realty is a registered business name. BNA 1962 (Vic) B1963143L
The business logo comprising ATLAS REALTY text, WE PUT YOUR PROPERTY ON THE MAP text, OUR COMPETITOR'S BEST IS WHERE WE BEGIN text, Orb and dynamic ribbon are registered trade marks of Silverado Imports Pty Ltd ABN 89 091 603 486 and provided under licence. 

Registration no. 716,773(19)

Copyright, the material on, the software, design, text and graphics comprised in and the selection and layout of are owned or licensed by us and protected by copyright under the laws of Australia.

You may view this website and its contents using your web browser and save an electronic copy of the website solely in the usual operation of your web browser in visiting the site.

You must not otherwise reproduce, transmit (including broadcast), adapt, distribute, sell, modify or publish or otherwise use any of the material on the site, including audio and video excerpts, except as permitted by statute or with Atlas Realty's prior written consent. You may however download and distribute the Buyer and Seller Information Packs available on The material included in these files is provided as is, without copyright and the Company makes no warranty as to the accuracy of their content at the time of publication. You cannot seek to claim ownership over any of the content or layout, modify the content or layout, nor try to profit from their distribution.  Atlas Realty, at its discretion,  reserves the right to make changes to the layout and content of these files, from time to time and without prior notice.

Trade Mark Notice

This site includes registered trade marks and trade marks which are the subject of pending applications or which are otherwise protected by law including, but not limited to the word ATLAS REALTY and the ATLAS REALTY logo. You may not use these trade marks.